Tuesday, 13 July 2010

2nd Event CTE Capoeiragem. Adelaide- Australia 2010

Our group is promoting a small capoeira event from 15th to 18th of September which will have Workshops , Rodas and grading done by the students from CTE Capoeiragem and groups in the city of Adelaide and others states. Teachers from Adelaide and interstate will come over to share with us what they know about this rich art form and others dance related as such maculele and samba de roda.

We are going to have as special guest

Estagiario Chan from Soul Capoeira.(Adelaide)
Professor Caveirinha from Terreiro Mandiga de Angola.(Adelaide)
Monitor Lorem from Muzenza.(Melbourne)
Monitor Viralata from Ginga Mundo (Melbourne)
Contra-Mestre Rodriguinho from Senzala(Camberra)

For students from others group and who is not getting cord.

4 workshops + t-shirt = 75.00 (only 20 t-shirts) until 10/08/2010. After that it will cost 90.00.

The event is opened for everyone around the country. To get more information about it contact us on www.adelaidecapoeira.com or cteaustralia.blogspot.com

Professor Marcelinho and group are Looking forward to seen it!!!