Friday 3 June 2011

III International Festival CTE Capoeiragem

CTE Capoeiragem after years of setting up branches around the world like Switzerland, Belgium, Australia and America without forgetting those branches in Brazil the Leader, Mestre and friend Balao had an ideia of every 2 years the group getting together. For the 1st time all instructors, teachers, contramestres and some members of every single branch are going to Salvador - Bahia - Brazil where our group born to meet up the rest of the members, to understand a bit more our culture, our art  and beyond that  to share a good time together.

If you are a member of CTE Australia be ready, join us!!!!

more information is coming up soon...

The Event will take place in Salvador.
Dates 0n the 5th, 6th and 7/01/2012.

The Australian Team is looking forward to it!!!!