Thursday 30 September 2010

2nd Event CTE Capoeiragem. Adelaide- Australia 2010/ photos

Monitor Lorem (Muzenza), Myself, Contra Mestre
Rodriguinho ( Senzala), Monitor Vira Lata(GingaMundo), Professor Caracol (Zumbiacongo) and Estagiario Chan(Soul Capoeira) took part in our event bringing lots of energy and help with everything!!! Thanks Guys.


Rizonha, Vaga Lume and Preciosa with their godfathers! Prof. Caracol, Mestre Formiguinha and Contra Mestre Rodriguinho. Good Job!!

Azul and Sereia With Estagiario Chan, monitor Lorem and monitor Vira Lata.
well done!!

Jennifer with Prof. Caracol, C.M Rodriguinho and Monitor Vira Lata.

Tornado and his godfathers!! Congratulations on doing well Tornado!!

Thanks everyone for making our event so beautiful!! You are the capoeira people in South Australia!!

Street Roda

Our party was amazing with dinks, brazilian songs by our own instruments ending up with capoeira's game!! It was great. Lots of fun!

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